Review: Nivo Ti Truly Deserves A Humble Award From The Industry After Realising his Album, "Survivors".
We're going to review and appreciate Nivo Ti's contributions to the music industry in Cameroon through the following steps:
_Who is Nivo Ti?
_How consistent has he been in the industry (songs released and others),
_Why his newly released album is different and truly deserves our support,
_lessons young artists should learn from Nivo Ti and how bright the future is for his career.
Nivo Ti has been commanding a reasonable fan base in the music industry in Cameroon since the start of his music career. His continues activeness and consistency since 3years now, is responsible for the massive support he now enjoys both within and without the country. He has been so committed and determined to run this race no matter the huge challenges he receives day and night in the industry, which are some of the messages in his just released album.
Who is Nivo Ti?
Nubia Ivo is his name, known by the entertainment industry in Cameroon as Nivo Ti Bebey. He is from the grass fields of Cameroon, North West Region, precisely from Bali Nyonga.
He is one of the most prominent uprising Afrobeats sensation, rapper and reality artist in the music industry as for now.
Also, He is the CEO of Blink Zone Empire with an audiovisual studio, and in partnership with Ninja Films.
How consistent Nivo Ti has been in the industry:
Most of us knew Nivo Ti during the out bust of the Anglophone crisis in 2016. He was very, very concerned about the political evolution of Cameroon and when the situation escalated, he came publicly to denounce his continuation in political affairs, but to concentrate more on his music career. Even before this, he had already released a sorrowful song about the crisis and later, "Popol".
Furthermore, he has released a good number of songs such as: SmallNyango, Sorcellerie, just imagine, Sanaga, and the most recent, Affair Nkap, Je Te Promets, etc, including an EP in 2018, "Just Imagine" and Now, "Survivors". He has therefore, been very consistent and active for over these years
Why his Newly released album deserves our support:
When one listens to this 10 song album, "Survivors" including a bonus song(Paul Biya) released on the 22th of February, they keep asking why the soul touching songs, but little support...? The messages embedded across theses songs, including just one love song, indicates 98% reality of what happens in our society today and to Nivo Ti in particular. He mentioned this through his Facebook page.
In one of the songs in his album "If I die tommorow" the first song in the album, Novi Ti explains that his parents separated when he was just 4years old and all was left to his mother who through the bravery of an African woman, she took care of him till he graduated from school. The societal adversities have almost let him astray, but he refused soiling his hands in any evil.
In the fourth song which carries the tittle, "Douala" he portrays an instance of colonialism through migration. He migrated from his Anglophone native village, Bali, to a Francophone native town where he believed he could find better opportunities. He comes from a family where one has to struggle by himself to make ends meet. Greater part of the song is in French, in the language which suits the title.
And in the fifth song, "Bangalum" which is 'njang', an ancestral rythm from the North West Region, Nivo Ti elaborates on how people complain on anything we do in life and in the Sixth song, "Vanité" featuring one of the most dreaded artist from Moore Empire, Mr Melodie who put up a very melodious chorus and Nivo Ti on the verses with rap, one has to understand that life is vanity.
In the last song which is a bonus ttrack, entitled "Paul Biya", the name of the president of Cameroon, he calls for peace through dialogue. Buy the album and listen to the rest of the songs.
Lessons Young artist must learn from Nivo Ti:
_Nivo Ti is a humble, educated and level-minded artist, endorsed with an overdose of talents and strategies. This courses the public to love and support his arts.
_He never relents, always ready to learn even from those who are below his standards. He is so jovial and brotherly.
_for the 3years I have known Nivo Ti, I haven't heard any nasty thing about him. He is loved by most if not all of those he associates with.
_Just a little more support, Nivo Ti will be the next big thing in the Cameroon entertainment industry.
In a special note, you can now buy the album through mobile money (Mtn and Orange). The link will be shared to you.
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