Vibes: Cameroon Youth Leader, Bochum Samuel, Appointed Liaison Coordinator at AYF Kampala, Uganda.
It is often said that Africa has the best youth leadership initiatives, but most "youth criminality" still looms from this part of the world. What actually is the cause of this accession? Some people think it is cause by the African autocratic leadership that prevents youths from executing their youth leadership activities; others believe that these youths simply lack jobs and are looking for opportunities to convince the western world for support.
These, as the most considered causes, seem to be what hinder effective youth leadership programs in Africa. But, is this really the case? Even if this is the case, then, great youth leaders due emerge!
There are youth leaders who over the years, have shown a lot of restrain, proficiency, skills, and with or without the above accessions, they were born to be leaders. Cameroon is an example among other African countries with such great youth leadership.
This narrows us down to meeting one of those finest, proficient and most optimistic Cameroon's youth leader, Mr. Bochum Samuel Bache, who have uplifted the image of Cameroon youth leadership, both within and without the country, through his endless endeavours to see a change in youth leadership in the country, especially in the domain of unity.
This has been under the catalyst of his Youth leadership association, Youth Advocates for Peace and Community Empowerment Cameroon(YAPCEC), founded few years ago.
Through these evident exploits under the watchful eyes of the world from Mr. Bochum, he has just been appointed Cameroon Liaison Coordinator for the African Youth Federation Festival in Kampala - Uganda. This is indeed, good news for Cameroonian youths.
Mr. Bochum Samuel holds other posts of responsibility such as:
_Cameroon National Youth Delegate to Commonwealth,
_The Commonwealth Youth peace ambassador,
_Youth Envoy for Peace and Democracy,
_Global Goodwill Ambassador,
_Global Youth Ambassador,
_Global Peace Ambassador,
_Global Active Citizen, including four Global Peace Awards Recognition from
Pakistan, Nigeria, Tunisia and Italy.
Mr. Bochum Samuel's continues and tremendous leadership exploits will remain fresh on the minds of youth leaders in Cameroon. This is a young Cameroonian who has thought most young within the country and across the globe values of objectivity, optimism, determination, etc, with a lot of evident practical work.
As coordinator of his recent post of responsibility as Liaison coordinator for the African Youth Federation Festival(AYFF), Mr. Bochum is calling on young Cameroonians to massively register and take part in the Youth leadership program in Kampala, Uganda.
The program request(50-500) young Cameroonians to massively register through the requested requirements, to attend this youth leadership program in Uganda.
To participate in the conference in AYFF in Kampala, Uganda, you can contact Bochum Samuel at
Tel: +237 674839683
Email: or
Facebook: Bochum Samuel Bache.
Thank you
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