10 Reasons why most Upcoming Artists won't Succeed in Their Music Careers in Cameroon...
1__We live in a society where most youths have accidentally stumbled in the music industry as the last resort and ignorantly think they are very talented. If you candidly ask them what took them to this direction, they won't say. Going society wise which has created tough times for these young Cameroonians, graduates who roam the streets with excellent results through their academics, but no jobs, one may concludes that, most of these young men in order to curtail the rate of their frustrated state of mind, especially with the Advent of social media and a lot of other frustrated friends who have set up unequipped studios in their rooms, will now pass their time, composing and recording songs which one wouldn't even understand the rhythm.
2__Most artists just feel the swag in music and don't even care about making a life out of it. These are those artists I place in the category of "excited artists". Most young men just admire stardom, they just want to be in the spotlight so as to use the little advantage and spoil little girls in the quarter in the name of doing music. If you scan most upcoming artists in Cameroon, you'll discover that they have children from little girls they have deceived. Though this point is more universal because, even in established music industries like USA, I can authoritatively say all the established artists have children out of their families( grown up children)
3__Gullibility: Most of these upcoming artists are just so adamant to learn from others mindless of their little experience in music. They are just very contented with the little experience they have, gotten especially through social media. I don't think most of these upcoming artists have taken time to seek audience with more experience artists to learn certain things in the game. All artists are like "I won't suck any dick from anybody before I succeed".
4__The society these upcoming artists fine thenselves as the government cares very less about the entertainment industry as a whole. In a society like ours, the government focuses more on solving man-made political problems than solving entertainment problems(music industry to be precised). Most artists are totally ignorant about how the government controls the music industry in Cameroon, because they(the government) don't even look into the smooth functioning of the structures set up to control the music industry such as SONACAM. Upcoming Artists don't even know about SONACAM, which is the royalty collection organization set up by the government to control the music industry in Cameroon, but little is being done by the same government to assure and insure the the smooth functioning of this organization in favour of artists. Most views even hold that everything in this organization is politically motivated which is very discouraging to these upcoming artists to start a process of registration. In totality, the government of Cameroon eyes in little in the entertainment industry in Cameroon.
5__Lack of investment from producers with heavy pockets. Human investment is one of the highest million dollars investment one can think of, but we, in most underdeveloped countries are very ignorant about it. Countries in Africa such as Nigeria, South Africa, Congo and Ivory Coast, had taken up this advantage and most of their artists have gotten the spotlight for over the years because they understood the basic necessities of human investment, especially in this domain in life. There are rich pockets in Cameroon that can sponsor at least 5 artists each, but this is not the case. At times, one can't blame them, human in investment in such a failed and unstable society like Cameroon, seems to be less promising.
6__Most artists are so arrogant and even drive investors away from them. Some of these artists are hard to contend. They lack ethics of their profession; they don't know how to put up a engulfing behaviours when they come close to investors. Investors can be found anywhere: on WhatsApp groups, comment sections on Facebook, blogs, events like shows, weddings, etc. When one see the way some of these artists behave in the above mentioned platforms, one will begin to imagine if really they know the ethics of what they are into.
7__Branding and Sense of responsibility to some of these upcoming artists to some of this upcoming artists, is really a call for concern. The way most appear on their social media platforms is terrible; no sense of creativity; lack of captivating styles. Even in shows, the type of dresses they put on, most have no rhyme with the song on stage. How can one be on stage with a hip hop song, dressed in agbada?
8__They lack support and validation from established artists. Well, this particular point is very complex because most of these so called established artists don't attend to upcoming artists even when they get closer to them. In other words, our upcoming artists just feel pride to get close to these artists because they want all the praises in their future success to themselves.
9__The type of songs they release, the time period and some of the structures they release these songs under, are enough to wave off Attention toward them. Well, at times, I'm tempted to ask who validates the songs most of these artists release, time and under which structures they release them, forgetting that most do everything by themselves. You'll here the names of kind kind labels that will even discourage you from listening the songs.
10__Window lining support and love among themselves ( to be analysed later)
Remedies of all these coming up...
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