12 Life Saving Tips for Songwriters


1. Always negotiate with everyone BEFORE getting their contributions into your project

2. Have the full official names and Alias names of all those who collaborate on the project (Techincal File)

3. Negotiate and sign split sheets and songwriting agreement with any collaborators (Be clear not only on percentages but on what rights who has control over)

4. Have a featured artist agreement with any featured artist

5. Have a Recording Contract with a Label where applicable, or Mechanical License given to the exploiter of your works

6. Have an artist/producer agreement with the studio producer

7. Have a list of all your songs, and related metadata + Audio Files (mp3 & Wav)  & stems (Wav, MIDI etc)

8.  Register your songs and Provide all necessary information to your publisher & CMO on time, always better before release

9. Have contracts with session musicians (Guitarists, bassists, etc)

10. Whenever you write a song always remember to type and present your lyrics

11. Before you engage in new songs and collaborations or projects that will require the exploitation of your compositions in one way or another (Consult Your Publisher/Lawyer and CMO)

12. Make sure you understand all agreements you enter into

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