Review: Before Jovi Spoke, Stanley Enow Had Reacted. Full Statement Below...

By Samuel Tohbi

Review: Before Jovi Spoke, Stanley Enow had reacted. Full Statement Below...

The analysis below is a reaction to the time bomb EP, released by one  of the finest bilingual artist and father of mboko rap in Cameroon. He is being referred to as mboko God, in reaction to the tittle of one of his albums released in 2015. Many see him as a legend of our time. The analysis below focuses on the following:
_what prompt Jovi to release this EP?
_His lyrics across the songs is reactive, vocal language, addressing an invisible audience, and all the songs are rap,
_who is Jovi?
_How Stanley Enow Statement over Pulse tv,

What prompt Jovi to release this EP?

What stroke my heart is the rate at which the EP has been scrambled upon. Messages flirting from end to end from fans just to get the songs. Recently, in reaction to Jovi's controversial tweeter tweets toward the Anglophone problem, a large majority of his English followers promised to quit him and his works. But with the Advent of this EP, that has proven other wise. But this may not the reason Jovi has come up with this EP.  A consistent and a critical follower of the Cameroon entertainment industry, won't ask questions to why Jovi has released this time bomb EP, entitled "God Di Kam". It must be recall that Twitter has been a war zone, war of words flirting from one end to the other between Jovi, Tzy Panchack and Martin Enow. In fact, Jovi had promise the coming of this EP in reaction to all the insults against his person. It must have been noticed by those who follow Jovi on tweeter which is at the same time his weapon of criticisms to others. His usual cunning tweets as if he is not addressing anyone, but to those who understand, know he is talking to someone, most, suggesting especially his main rival Stanley Enow. It is in this regard that Tzy Penchack had been cought up in one of this usual tweet, when he tries to defend his friend, Stanley Enow, as Jovi is suggestively mocking him about a sudden change of his original genre of music, from rap to afro pop. In return, Panchack calls him a jealous artists, that he has been jealous of Stanley's successes while Martin Enow, Stanley's brother, comes in in the same line with Panchack. The public has been making a mockery of his personality, sitting his first song, "From Don for Kwat to Ngong Dog for Kwat".

His lyrics across the songs is reactive, verse with vocal language, addressing invisible audience:

 Now, you see why Jovi comes in very vocal in his verses. Among all the five rap songs that I've listened out of seven, all present reactions to invisible audience as you can clearly listen in one of the hit songs, Ma 18, symbolically referring to his personal life "I no fi make the same mistakes again...may man no enter ma 18, I get ma own ways for take solve them". Through the same song, in regards to all the recent insults against him, he says "Now I know all ma friend them". In Ndole which is the caption song for the EP, God Di Kam, being very bilingual in the song, first verse, French and second verse English, Jovi talks directly to the invisible audience "Les gars juste qui vont quité le rap, mais c'est qui vous a quite...toute vos flow c'est de copier decole"   To further prove that all this songs are addressing a particular audience, Jovi says in another track, All the Time "they're asking me if I'll quit...I'm the one you shouldn't play with...they know I'm number 9"

As if this is not enough, in Pay Attention a commanding phrase, Jovi say "My flow talks what I do...THE PEOPLE know what I do" ending the song with the word "Shegeh". Supposedly addressing Tzy Penchack and Stanley Enow in Hand to mouth "I no fi read your name, the thing hard me for pronounce" and to Stanley Enow, "Quan tu parle de moi, I know under you are my fans". Now, you can see directly the full reasons for the release of this EP.

Who is Jovi?:

According to the information gathered from the NewbellMusic Website, which I'll be very, very brief, Jovi is an artist, sound engineer and producer, bornand raised in Doualain 1983. He is originally from the North West Region of Cameroon, Nkambe in Ndonga Matung Division precisely. He gained national and international attention when hereleased his hit video "Don 4 Kwat" in 2012, being the first artist in Cameroon to rap in broken pidgin English including broken french in addition, normally known as 'FrancAnglais'. He released his debut abum, H.I.v(Humanity Is Vanishing) in 2012, in 2013, Kankwe Vol.1 and in 2015, Kankwe Vol. 2 and Mboko God subsiquently, etc. He is the CEO and artist in New Bell Music base in Douala.
Stanley Enow's statement on Pulse tv, a Nigerian base tv station:
When ask by the journalist to Stanley Enow the problem between him and Jovi, he has this to say, "There is no problem, we've never met like that and spoken for 20minutes. I think its jealousy, because you know we're doing big stuffs, and it's not easy to come and see young guy over take you...I was a tv presenter and I use to help all of them. I was there pushing Anglophones because I come from that part of the country. I was pushing and hyping them. I use to share his artists pictures...I use to change my profile pictures on Facebook to theirs...I really appreciate the fact that they are doing something...I open a lot of doors for them"


In conclusion, critically analysing Jovi's EP, God Di Kam, and Stanley's language over pulse tv, these two faces, icons of our entertainment industry, are fighting a distance online war coursed surely by fans and ego from Jovi as some will put it reading from Stanley's language over pulse tv. But, as mentioned above, Jovi's language is mostly interpreted only by fans to mean that he is addressing Stanley Enow, hardly has he ever mentioned Stanley's name in his post or lyrics. It's pathetic saying that there is a problem between these two Cameroon most promising artists, and requires a third or mutual understanding between them to end it.

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