Vibes: Who Really Is ACB King In Cameroon's Comedy?

Vibes: Who Really Is ACB King In Cameroon's Comedy?

 Acho Casian Beh, ACB King, is one of the fast uprising, committed, creative and most strategic cameroonian comedian and CEO of 237Funvid, a comedy platform across social media, including YouTube.

He is a very talented, humble and passionate young man from the North West Region of Cameroon, precisely from Kom in Boyo Division. He was born in 1994 and is presently a degree holder in the University of Bamenda. Comedy with brains.

As the saying always go, little beginnings should never be minimised, his journey of comedy started with a simple slang 3years ago "According to what's happening", a slang that provoked laughter back then any time it was pronounced. This slang has been a catchy phrase  across all King's comedy skirts.

As intelligent, comic and strategic as ACB King was, he started using this slang in doing stand up comedy shows around Bameda before the Anglophone crisis persist, making it difficult to have venues to continue showcasing his comics. 

This is why after this upheavals, ACB King has decided to go digital by doing and uploading his comedy skirts on YouTube including his social media platform(237Funvid), to keep his fans entertained.

This indeed has been paying off. His comedy platforms are gradually scrambled upon by those who knew him and those who keep meeting and falling in love with his outstanding comedy skirts daily, siting the number of views per comedy piece when uploaded.

Recently as a strategist, Acb king has been using people's situations which have more attention and releases of Musician's songs to do very appealing comedy.

The steam and team that he is building up, can make him lead the next generation of comedy in Cameroon and across Africa. 

All we can do to him is subscribe to his Facebook account: ACB King across all social media platforms; and his page 237Funvid on Youtube.

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  1. According to what's happening Bruh...
    U gonna win more.. Hard work.💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


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