These analysis ends within the faction of NGA, it doesn't check the artists' hustling in other spheres or factions of promotion. We're going to take into consideration the following: the artist activeness on social media(including associating with fellow NGA); their manifested seriousness with NGA; and number of songs released.
Nivo Ti tops the list of the most active and consistent artist in NGA. Since 2016, he has been very consistent and associative to most of his followers and NGA artists in particular. He has been releasing sensational songs for a long time since his appearance into the first edition of NGA. He is the CEO of Blink Zone Empire.
_His activeness on social media= 8/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA= 7.5/10
_Estimated number of songs released 19 and 1ep and one album=9/10
Holy Vibes follows as second on the list of most active and consistent artist in NGA. His name has been a ringtone, through his pushful and respective nature in the industry especially within the sphere of NGA and across. He doesn't snob at anyone and he respects everyone's opinion. He was present in the second edition of NGA. He is the co founder of Black Home Music.
_His activeness on social media=9/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA=8.5/10
_Estimated number of songs released 7=6/10
Tee Nellz emerges third on our list of most active and consistent artist in NGA. He has been so active and consistent with a huge considerably love for NGA. He has been releasing back to back songs for a long period of time. He is the CEO of Black Home Music.
_His activeness on social media=8/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA=7.5/10
_Estimated number of songs released 15 and one EP=8.5
Young Holiday tops fourth on our list of most active and consistent artist in NGA. He is one of the artist that has left a legacy through his continues love and support for good songs. He has been consistent and very active though little with NGA artists. He has released a good number of songs since he started music. He was present in the first NGA edition.
_His activeness on social media=7.5/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA=6/10
_Estimated number of songs released, 9singles, 2eps and 1album=9/10
Wan Shey comes fifth in our list of most active and consistent artist in NGA. Wan Shey is a household name in the industry. He has been active, consistent and very supportive, though very little with NGA artists. He has released more than a considerable number of singles and eps.
_His activeness on social media=7/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA= 6/20
_Estimated number of songs released, 9 singles and 3eps=9/10
Chris Will occupies the sixth position in our list most active and consistent artist in NGA. Chris Will's love for music has kept him active and consistent for a very long time and I think it's time to give him the credit. He brought up the idea of bringing a NGA baureau along JBoy. This is much love.
_His activeness on social media=7.5
_His manifested seriousness with NGA=8.5
_Estimated number of songs released, 5=6
Mr. Christiano takes the seventh position in our list of most active and consistent artist in NGA. His love for music and the endorsement of NGA initiative though, he just appeared on the fifth edition, gives him the credit of featuring in our list of top 10. He has been consistent and active. Also, he has been signed into a Belgian base label.
_His activeness on social media=8/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA=9/10
_Estimated number of songs released, 5=6/10
GUIWIZ EFI JUNIOR fit into the eightth position in our list of most active and consistent artist in NGA. He is an active and consistent social media user. Also, he is one of the most competent young producers around and CEO of Make Way Music. He love for NGA is very considerable. He has released a good number of singles.
_His activeness on social media=8/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA=8
_Estimated number of songs released, 7=6/10
St Rodrickstone tops the ninth position in our list of most active and consistent artist in NGA. He is a consistent and active social media user. His genre of music is peculier to him(Coupé dicà lé). He is very associative and consistent. He has released a considerable songs though in different genres.
_His activeness on social media=8/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA=8.5/10
_Estimated number of songs released, 5= 5.5/10
Dyllann tops the tenth position of our list of most active and consistent artist in NGA. He is an active and consistent social media user though, not to associative with NGA members, but it's just an attitude because, his love for NGA is not measurable. He has released approximately 3 songs and one EP, those found on YouTube. He has also delete a good number of songs on YouTube.
_His activeness on social media=7/10
_His manifested seriousness with NGA=9/10
_Estimated number of songs released, 3songs and an 1ep=5/10
List of "Top 10 most inactive and inconsistent NGA artists" coming up.
We repeat, this index analysis is only considerable in respect to NGA. We don't analyse the artists hustles in other spheres.
Note1: NGA is the way, we have sleepless nights to bring out the best of getting you more exposed.
Note1: NGA is the way, we have sleepless nights to bring out the best of getting you more exposed.
Note2: Do not make any mistake, it is not that these are the most valued artists in NGA, but, check the steps of analysis. We love and can sacrifice to any extent to see NGA succeed.
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