Sevo Nchifor Makes Cameroon proud as his Song is Rated and Graded Among Songs about Corona Virus...

Sevor's Nchifor Makes Cameroon proud as his Song is Rated and Graded Among Songs about Corona Virus...

Going through some streaming platforms, one will come across a good number of artists around Africa and beyond who have expressed pathetic emotions, after the outburst of this dreaded disease, Corona Virus. Such includes: Bang Bang, Tulenky, Dammy. P, Dogo Charlie, Fei Pan, Sevor Nchifor, etc, all Africans; Tom MacDonald, Mr Painkiller, Necro, etc, all westernans. After going through some of these songs, one will hold the view that Sevor's song, Dreadful, is one of the most rated audio-visual wise. This is because, the entire production of his song almost paints the exact situation as he, a doctor, has had access to the actual situations and locations: empty streets, doctors trying to save lives, etc. Watch here

Being a Cameroonian, one will be forced to conclude that Cameroon music is growing and going very fast and far. This is evident with the number of talents that keep increasing and the energy demonstrated by such artists who fine themselves in different spheres: Diaspora and home. Talking about Eduke, Ebako, poson aok, Makizar, Holy Vibes who are doing amazing in mapping or representing Cameroon music in the Diaspora.

As interesting as this may be, Sevo Nchifor who has spent a good deal of his life time in Ohio USA, where he got his first degree and his medical training, has just decided to join the race in selling Cameroon talents in the Diaspora. Though a professional doctor who has been very instrumental in the global battle against this dreaded diseases, Corona Virus and especially in USA which is the highest effected part of the world, Sevor's experiences through this period, has endowed him with abundant talents to portray his creativity in another direction which is singing.

Sevor's vocal ability on this song which he tittles #Dreaded, will give one the impression that he has undergone officially, music training or voice scanning. Well, it's true, Sevor's past glories States that his father was a guitarist and a choirmaster who always takes him to training sessions; his father introduced the bottle dance in his village. Sevor has just inherited his father's wisdom as truly was his father's wish for him on his sick bed to become a medical doctor and a singer. His father also handed over his guitar to Sevor

The song is dedicated to his colleagues who have forgone the pleasures of their families, personal urges, to save a bigger family which is the world. In course of doing so, some have lost their lives including the many deaths attacked by this diseases in Sevor's watchful eyes. As music remains the main medium of airing out emotions, being it bad or good, Sevor sees no any other way to better communicate the outrageousness of this satanic diseases to the world but music. 

This song has been frequent in most national and international Chanelle such as boom TV, equinox tv, Bimstr, S tv, etc.

Apart from the necessity of this song at the moment, Sevor says he has a good number of written songs ranging from different teams such as love, suffering, social life, etc which he plans to release progressively.

You can follow Sevor in his different social media platforms, including streaming platforms as indicated below...

Social Media Handles:
1.) Instagram(@sevo.nchifor) - 
2.) Facebook Page (Sevo Nchifor) - 
3.) Twitter (@janchifor): 
4.) Spotify (Sevo Nchifor): 
5.) SoundCloud -

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