Review: Bochum Samuel Bache, a Cameroonian Youth Leader, Becomes a Global Youth Ambassador for Peace by a Nigerian Based Organisation, Global Peace Initiative...

Bochum Samuel Bache, a Cameroonian Youth Leader, Becomes a Global Youth Ambassador for Peace by a Nigerian Based Organisation, Global Peace Initiative...

If you have been following social media consistently, you must have come across Bochum Samuel Bache's face. His consistency on social media, sharing with the public his great actions toward peace and Community building, motivates a lot of young people within and without  Cameroon to embrace peace and Community building. He must have motivated some of us directly or indirectly, that is, offline or online.

Samuel Bache, coming from the South West Region of Cameroon, started his advocacy for peace and Community building in 2015. He is a Bachelor's degree holder in Georgraphy from the uniUnivers of Buea. Being a very dynamic, vibrant and proactive youth, he serves as the Cameroon National Youth Delegate to Commonwealth in UK, Cameroon National Youth Delegate to African Youth Network Summit in South Africa and founder of YAPCEC(Youth Advocates for Peace and Community Empowerment Cameroon).

As Samuel Bache's wonderful actions for peace and Community building continue to speak around the world, a Nigerian based international organisation, Global Peace Initiative with branches in over 17 countries around the world, has recognized and certified him as a Global Peace Ambassador.

It should be noted that, this organisation has certified Global Peace Ambassadors in India, China, Nigeria, Egypt, Nepal, Indonesia and now Samuel Bache in Cameroon.

Indeed, it's a great step to our finest and relentless brave advocate for peace, Samuel Bache, to be awarded such a recognisable position. We urge young people especially around Cameroon and Africa in general, to engage in peace actions aiming at bringing about the change our continent and the world wants.

It's a Journey for the Truth...

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